Our Instructors & Staff
All of our instructors began as dedicated clients of the studio, and they remain students even after they start teaching!
After taking classes and developing a passion for the method(s), our instructors auditioned and applied for apprenticeships at Novo Fitness. Instructors then attended and completed their certification(s) in their specific method(s) and began an extensive and rigorous apprenticeship consisting of observing, training, workshopping, and co-teaching in the classroom under observation and direction of senior teachers. Even after completing the certification and apprenticeship process, instructors continue to receive education and further training, and are continuously observed by the owners.
Our instructors are also students, and use their perspectives as both teacher and student to lead clients in challenging workouts while giving attention to individual clients.
All instructors are trained in proper modifications and/or advanced options to accommodate clients of all fitness levels, including those with injuries and pre/post natal needs.
Senior instructors have assisted in training(s) and workshop(s), are certified to teach 7+ class types, teach 5+ classes per week, and have taught a minimum of 500 classes.
Ellen Cobb
Co-Owner & Lead Trainer
Beth Anne Kennedy
Co-Owner & Lead Trainer
Jessica Ray
Senior Instructor
Jane Ann Myers
Senior Instructor
Whitney Van Gundy
Senior Instructor
Aimee Ullman
Allison Morway
Angie Zanders
Autumn Evilsizer
Brigitte Hurtado
Cassandra “Sandy” Branigan
Cecily Wallace
Hannah Mize
Hayley Merritt
Jen Ladson
Kristan MacPhail
Leah Foodman
Sarah Beth McVay
Tarisha Fields
Abbey Brown
Client Care & Front Desk Team
Kyleigh Makaryk
Client Care & Front Desk Team
Julianna Myers
Client Care & Front Desk Team
Grace Cappel
Youth Services
Gracyn Cannon
Youth Services